Monday, March 29, 2010

Celebration of Disciplines - Meditation

When we hear the word meditation we tend to think of clearing the mind ... Nope the mediation I am talking about is just the opposite. I am talking about filling the mind ... Mediation upon God's word ... Listening to God's word ... reflecting on Gods Works...rehearsing God's Deeds ... ruminating on Gods Law.

I love Psalm 1:1-3, vs 2 is my favorite
"1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he mediates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers."

But his delight is in the law of the of the LORD and on his law he meditates day and night ... love this verse but look at verse 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water ... trees planted by streams of water have deep strong roots ... the more we mediate upon God's word, hide it in our hearts the deeper and strong we grow in Jesus - in our personal relationship with Father.

So I guess the first question before we go on about mediation upon Gods word is, are you ready, willing to go deeper - not just settle or do the "minimum" are you ready to put in the time, to study, to get to know Father? Are you ready willing to find out what pleases the Lord (Ephesians 5:10) to seek and understand what the Lords will is (Ephesians 5:7)? If you are, you are ready to meditate upon His word, to chew on it, spit it up and chew on it some more - getting everything out of it that you can - just as a cow chews his cud and gets everything out it - that is what we are going to do!

Meditation allows us to hear God when He speaks to us ... "God spoke to them because they were willing to listen" God will never force you to do anything - you will always have a choice - are you willing to go the distance? Will you slow down be still and wait on the Lord? Are you willing to step away from the business of life so you can be with God?

Why do you think it is quoted, "Hurry is not of the Devil; It is the Devil?"
My thoughts ... If we always do everything in a hurry, in a rush, have to have our hands in everything and by doing so either gives us some sort of identity that we are a success because of all we can do - or breaks us down - we focus not on God, but our accomplishments or our failures - We make no time for God and if we do we cannot focus because we cannot slow our minds down enough to understand , comprehend let alone hear God speak to us.

So, what hinders you from slowing down, resting in His presence - being silent?
Me, I hinder me the most - I am always getting in my way - letting my thoughts take over - not spending time wisely - very selfish with my time. Can be very lazy - things I do not like about me - I would rather sit down and veg out on TV and fill my head with absolute garbage than to sit and spend time with Father or to go out and share with others, serve others. Getting caught up in what everyone else is doing and that is where I get tripped up on the gossip train ... all because I am to lazy to slow down, settle down and spend time with Father, in His word, feeding my soul, growing my roots deep - Like I said it is all a choice and I sometimes am a fool who makes the wrong choices!

Ps 119:97 reads, "Oh, how I love your law! I mediate on it all day long"

Mediate on the law...
Obey His commands (gain wisdom)
Meditate on statues (gain insight)
Obey precepts (gain understanding)
Obey His word (keep us on right path)

We are to be Christ like and when we study the life of Christ we
find that Jesus
Sought out God (searched for, aimed at, got closer to)
Listened (he was still so He could hear)
Communed (talk together intimately, be in close rapport)

This is what we are to Him, Listen to Him, Spend time with Him

Christian Meditation: The ability to hear God's voice and obey His word.

This does not happen overnight. It is like a child learning to speak the language that is being taught to him. Learning, listening, comprehending. We too need to learn to listen to Father, speak to Father. As we do our prayers are not longer ours, but His - as we grow in Him we become less He becomes more. His desires become our desires - We then have daily communion with Father - hearing Him, learning from Him, following Him - Acknowledging Him in all our ways - As we hear His voice we Obey His word - As we seek Him, He hears us - As we continue to knock on the door, He opens it - This is what having an intimate relationship is. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit that lives in us we have a living fellowship with Father. We need to understand as Jesus did that we can do nothing on our own (John 5:19). The Holy Spirit is us is our teacher, guide, counselor revealing to us Gods truth, teaching us to abide in him so we can hear him and obey His word.

We need to fully understand that Jesus is alive and well today just as much as he was for Peter, Paul, Phillip and the others. Jesus is our ...forgiver, teacher, ruler, guide.

Meditation is our duty as a Christian to mediate on His word day and night to fill our minds with His word to hide it in our hearts - to use it as a two edge sword when fighting against the evils of this world.

He walks with me and he talks wit me ... this is how our daily walk should be, continual communication with Father. Always giving Him the utmost respect. He is the King - who we lift high to the heavens. Who in His presence we fall to our knees and lift Him up.

Continual Communication, Continual Inward Fellowship ... Perpetual feasting with the Lord, never ceasing - and as the Diving fire burns in us - it burns all that is impure - causing us to grow deeper and deeper in a more intimate relationship with him. That our desires, thoughts, motives, actions, words are no longer ours but His - where our whole desire for living is living for Him - fulfilling His will, His purpose, His plan, His goal to where our life as we knew it no longer exist and we don't even miss it - To where we wake and have one goal to fulfill the will of Father and ask, "Father, what is it that I can do for you today?"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our Journey Our Mission

I have been reading Purpose Driven Life - It is my 4th or 5th time through in 8 years - I love this book - I get so much out of it every time I do this. It is a 40 day journey - that I can stretch into 60, but that is besides the point.

Today is day 36 on my journey and it talks about our Mission... So here is my entry:

God gave us a ministry and a mission -
Our ministry is service to believers -
Our mission in service to unbelievers.

Paul says in Acts 20:24 -
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Have I not know this was my mission? Yes, I have. My ministry is so in my comfort zone - it is easy to serve, share, speak with other believers about what Christ is doing, has done and will do in me.
My Mission is so far out of my comfort zone. This is where fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) sets in - confidence disappears, the boat starts to rock, the waves are splashing down on me - beating me - what will you say, what if they reject you - isn't that our biggest fear and hindrance - REJECTION - but we can't take it personally - they are not rejecting us - they are rejecting Jesus ... Oh Jesus, help me to keep my focus upon you - let me keep pushing through, perserving - moving forward - let my confidence be set on you in you - let me testify to others about your love and mercy. Let me share with the lost of your grace and how you saved me -one who is so undeserving - one who lived her life so far from you - one who should not be living but you gave me life!

I spoke of RESPONSIBILITY the other day. I have a responsibility to you Father - I have a responsibility to share with other Christians, but I also have a specific assignment from you to share with unbelievers. My mission is to introduce people to you my Father, so that they to can love you, be a part of your family, become more like you, serve you and tell others of you.

Jesus says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" - Matthew 28:19,20

Jesus tells us here that WE are to go out and make disciples - no just pastors and missionaries, but WE ALL of US. He also tells us to teach them - not just get them in the door and leave them to figure it out on their own - but to give them a personal guided tour - so they can then go out and make disciples (this is something so many churches are lacking - I will NOT go on). My favorite part in the scripture is that He tells us He will be with us ALWAYS - How many times have I forgot this and ran and got back in the boat my comfort zone. I must remember he is ALWAYS with me - ALWAYS - He is my confidence - I will set my eyes on Him - for he did not set me up to fall or fail - but to stand tall and move forward in Him!

Again Jesus tells us, "GO into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" Mark 16:15

He tells us that, "repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." - Luke 24:47

Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." - John 20:21

Lastly he tells us ...
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 8:1

These verses clearly tell me what my/our mission is - we are so NOT to sit back and let others do ... we are the others - we are to be doers, no merely hearers - we have the Holy Spirit and our assignment - Our playing field is HUGE!

To ignore this would be disobedience!
Ezekiel 3:18 (NCV) says it best ...
You must warn them so they may live. If you don't speak out to warn the wicked to stop their evil ways, they will die in their sin. But I will hold you responsible for their death.


This makes it very clear - no question on what my responsibility is! To go out and do the work of Father, representing Him ALWAYS. So this makes GOD in a sense my employer and this gives me the employee the confidence that he will give me, guide me and teach me all His ways - for success is our goal - Success in reaching all His people to the ends of this earth.

The great thing is we can share God right where we are at. Just ask, "God, who have you put in my life for me to tell about Jesus?"

Don't waste the life God has given you ..."anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God" - Luke 9:62 (LB)

I tell God often, "less of me more of you - none of me all of you." I must leave my plans for my life behind and line up with the plans that God has set before me, "Father, I want your will not mine"
I must learn to pray, "God, help me do what you are blessing" NOT "God bless what I want to do."

We must do as Romans 6:13b says, "but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness."

So in closing I want to leave you with this - First a must read, Purpose Driven Life if you have not already read it - and if you have - read it again - The story Rick Warren tells of his father who is dying of cancer and his last thing that he says was ... "Save One More For Jesus"

That is what we need to make as our mission "Save One More For Jesus"

Jesus gave his life for you and me on the cross so that we might live - How wrong is it for us not to share His story, His Love, His Sacrifice with others through our own testimony?

Monday, August 17, 2009

It's Time to Take Responsibility

Yes, this is my second Blog today - Had lots of insight this morning!

We have so many choices in our lives - so why not choose PEACE?
Why not choose to NOT live angry, tired, frustrated, worried lives?

Worrying does not change a thing - it only adds stress, weakness and makes me tired and moody - not so fun to be around! So don't use up all your emotional energy trying to fix something that only God can fix!

In John 14:27 Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Peace I leave with you - not as the world gives - To have peace in Jesus is to have peace in all circumstances - not just peace in the world when all is going well in or life - but peace when we are going through the most difficult times in our life - Peace that only Jesus can give. I had to really ponder on this - and I realized while I am a very peaceful person - I do not have peace in one major area of my life - that is my self image. I grew up seeing myself as frumpy, dumpy and lumpy - I was called names - Clarence the crossed eyed lion for one - Piggy was another - Jell-o butt was another - always picked last on teams - and no I am not throwing a pity party just telling you this is where my self image was created as a child - things that I have never put to rest. To this day I still struggle with my appearance - I do feel beautiful and I know in God's eyes I am - and that is what matters - but I have no peace - I fight constantly with my weight - only to hear people say - I don't know why you look fine - looking and feeling to different things - what people see, I do not - I still see the frumpy girl in school - This is where I have no peace - and I must say it makes Satan happy - well I have some information for you Satan not any more. This morning I learned or will be learning a very valuable lesson - I have to take RESPONSIBILITY for where I am at. I have peace in so many areas of my life, but I have no peace with self image, diet and exercise - I need to take RESPONSIBILITY of where I am at - I don't exercise or eat right. It is my RESPONSIBILITY - If I look at everything else I have overcome - If I look at all I have worked through and faced truth about - I am RESPONSIBLE for ME - I need to light a fire under my feet and get busy. I can do something about this - Only I can change me with God's help of course - All I am doing is keeping myself down. I need to quit feeling sorry for myself and do something about it. I must make decisions for myself. I need to quit living in the "chair" and wishing (my clothes fit right, my body was fit) and making no progress at all.

I must take RESPONSIBILITY for ME! Stop living for people and start living for GOD - I need to be physically and mentally Fit to do the things in which He is going to call me to do! I must always live before an Audience of One! For our body is God's temple and it needs to be treated as such!

I have a work out buddy - Father - He is my workout buddy - I can get up every morning and work out with Him. Then He and I can sit down with a cup of coffee and spend some time together in His word - Learning all that He has to Teach me - It's time to dig deep and preserve, it's time to get out of the chair and take RESPONSIBILITY for my diet and my exercise - no one is going to do it for me - but I have a great partner to help do it!!

What is Goodness???

Well this morning when I got up and after letting the dogs out and feeding them and then making my coffee - I got to sit down for some quiet time with Father. Yesterday, I was in 2 Peter 1:1-11 but really was focusing on vs 6 about godliness. This morning Father had me read and write out vs 5-11 which read like this ... (out of the NIV)

5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to you faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge self-control; and to self-control perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.
10 Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Their is so much in these verses that it will take me several Blogs to get through it all - so while yesterday I thought I was going to blog about godliness, Father led me to start at the beginning ...

What does it mean to make every effort? It means making a serious attempt, work hard at, to do whatever you have to do to get it. What are we making every effort for? To add to our faith. We already have faith in God, in Christ, in His word, His works - But here we are being told to make every effort to add to our faith - these character building qualities of:

Goodness;Knowledge; Self-Control; Perseverance; Godliness; Brotherly Kindness and Love
(Kind of reminds me of Galatians 5:22-23 - But the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Against such things their is no law.)

So lets look at each one individually ...

What is Goodness? It is a favorable character or tendency - kind, profitable; excellent; lifting or appropriate; morally right -
We know what good is - we not only need to do good and bring out the goodness in ourselves, but we need to bring out the goodness in others also. This is where we often quote, "Do unto others"...and Matthew 7:12 says it best, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you ...". Jesus tells us how to live a good life and if we follow His guidance how much simpler and easier life would be even through the most difficult trials of our lives - John 15:5 explains it out, "5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." What kind of fruit will we bear if we remain in Christ - GOOD Fruit!

Following Christ is not a chore that some who don't believe make it out to be. Being good is not a bad thing, its not a hard thing - It's a God thing - its a choice. Being good is putting your best foot forward, being good is being kind - helping others who can't help themselves. Being good is seeing the good in others and bringing goodness out in them. So we need to make every effort every day to add to our faith goodness - Let people see the goodness in you - Let Jesus shine through you to the point when people see you or hang out with you they experience the Jesus in you!! Less off me, more of Jesus - None of me, all of Jesus!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Steppin Out and Stepping Up

My cry is to change me from the inside out ...

Hebrews 6:1 says, Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity...

I know the basics, the essentials, the importance of faith, that you are not saved by good deeds or works. I know the meaning of baptism and spiritual gifts. I know about the resurrection - the facts. Now it is time to move on, move forward.

My cry is to change me from the inside out ...

I am ready to take my elementary teachings and move forward fully for you Lord to fulfill your purpose.

Acts 2:42-47 describes our church (Gateway Church of Blue Springs) to a tee - it is what we strive for, work towards. Vs. 47 (b) says, and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

I am way to comfortable - it is time to be like Peter and get out of the boat - get out of my comfort zone - to keep my eyes on Jesus even during the uncomfortable situations - I need to stop running back to the boat and jumping in - I need to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead, pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13-14).

We studied Matthew 9:35-38 yesterday in Church.
35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field".

Several things have stuck out to me - first we are to look like Jesus, act like Jesus - what was Jesus doing? He was teaching and preaching, He was full of compassion on the people. When I read sheep without a shepherd I had to do some digging. In Ezekiel 34 the leaders (shepherds) are criticized for taking care of themselves (they became to comfortable) and not the people (sheep). In vs 4 it says: You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. Further on in 34 it tells of Jesus the Messiah coming and taking care of his people.

Jesus tells us to feed His sheep. Don't become so comfortable in your walk in your relationship that you are not tending his sheep. Is their someone at your work that you could take to lunch and share your story with? Can you make a meal for a family? Get on your knees in prayer for someone? Give a mom and dad a date night by watching their kids? Sit with the elderly? My personal favorite give someone your shoes?

As it says in Matthew 9:38 Ask the Lord of the harvest...

As the Lord to show you who you need to speak to or to place people in your life who need him. Know that where God guides he provides.

As Scott Phillips said the worse thing someone could say is, "No".
But knowing that someone does not know Jesus and could be going to Hell if they don't come to know Him is worth stepping out of the boat - for the no you think you may get could turn into a yes - so plant seeds, water the fields - love on people and by all means get out of the boat and share what Jesus is doing and has done in your life with others.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Just talking

What a great morning this one has been. I have had some really great quiet time with my Papa and a great workout - After not working out for a couple of weeks it is time to get back into it - epically if Mark is going to be home in 3 months!!

I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago and then last week it seemed as if I needed a vacation from vacation - with clients every morning and VBS every evening it was a crazy week - and very unorganized for me. I suppose that is why this morning has been so great finally getting back to a routine!

I have been doing a couple studies with a couple of girls and then just a devotional type on my own. One that I am doing is LOVE by Calvin Miller - my friend and I did a study over Galatians and have decided to walk through each Fruit of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22 & 23 today's lesson was over My Service to Others - it is about going and telling as it stats in Isaiah 52:7 - How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news ... the feet are going and the good news is telling. One of the questions was: Who led me to Christ? Did I ever thank them? I can't tell you I remember who led me to Christ - I remember I was 4 years old when the Associate Pastor from the church came and talked to my brother and I about what it was to invite Jesus into our hearts - I new I wanted Jesus in my heart but if I be totally honest I also wanted the cute little white Bible and if my brother got to go in the big tank I wanted to also! A lot happened in my life after that ... I can't say that I walked with Christ or if people looked at me they would not have been able to see Him reflected in me very well - I didn't understand what it was to "walk" with Christ - all I knew was I was here, He was up their and I needed to follow the 10 commandments and I should be good. MANY MANY MANY MANY years later after a failed marriage and into a second marriage I started going back to church - really going - not just the Holiday thing or two times every 3 months, but really going. I remember one morning in Sunday School Class doing a study Experiencing God (way over my head at the time) Debbie Wilson a lady I will never forget said these exact words in describing her relationship with Christ, "intimate relationship" I about feel over in my chair I did not believe you could say that about Jesus, but now my curiosity was peeked - that is what started my journey - she and I spoke a couple of times - sad thing was she was very ill and before I truly got to understand what she meant she passed away from Leukemia - but she made a lasting impact on my life. From that day forward I have hungered and searched and found what it is to have an intimate relationship with Christ - it is so not about the religion - its about the relationship - I can honestly say that Jesus is my best friend - He is always and has always been their for me - even when I turned my back from him and did what I wanted to do - He has pulled me out of such darkness that I truly should not be here today - He is my Hope and I put my Trust in Him. In this life of mine He is the one that I can always turn to, He is always their for me - He loves me. Did I get got Thank Debbie - No I did not, but I know she knows and I know that one day I will Thank her personally with Jesus standing right by my side!

A very sweet lady in my Bible Study last year gave me a very special verse that holds me, epically while Mark is away and how fitting with him being in the Navy that it talks about and anchor ... Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain . Jesus is my Anchor of Hope he is the one who holds me and keeps me balanced. When the waters get rough He hold me tight as he tells me get out of the boat Joanna - keep your eyes focused on me - life might be a little crazy right now, but my peace be with you. I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone - get out of the boat - and the hard part - stay out of the boat - when things get uncomfortable keep pushing forward - keep your eyes focused on Jesus. God has a place for you - think about your strengths and abilities and use them to serve Him - It's up to you to find that place. I know what mine are - God has shaped me through my experiences in life, he allowed them so He could mold me - the most Painful experience in my life is where the most learning has come from - In reading Purpose Driven Life - Day 31 it says this, "God intentionally allows you to go through painful experiences to equip you for ministry to to others ... in 2 Cor 1:4 it says "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us" As the days go on I will share with you the pains, hurts, torments of my life that have brought me to a better place, made me in the a better person - God has brought so many people into my life that I have been able to help, understand, walk beside - because of the experiences I have had in my life - for that I am Truly Thankful!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It amazes me how some days are so good and then in the mist something happens and

the day is just hard - I had one of those today.

Mark is getting ready to head out on another assignment in the deep blue waters, I know that he is leaving in two days and when he leaves that means communication for the next 30-45 days will be almost null. I know I will probably get an occasional call that will last approximately 1 - 2 minutes if that, don't get me wrong I love that, I love anytime I get to hear his voice. Just getting ready for him to go out again is tough on me. I could feel today the load of everything getting a bit harder to carry - trying to take care of all the house stuff, the yard stuff, the business stuff ... it just felt a little over whelming today.

Summer is almost here and part of me

is excited but not - Jimmy will be gone a lot over the summer, Abby has her new apartment - it will be lonely - I am not going to do so many studies this summer - I did way to many over the school year - The Book of Exodus, John, a Beth Moore study and a Joyce Meyer study way to much. This summer I am going to finish of the Joyce Meyer, do Galatians and my daily devotional. God is good he always gets me through and what he showed me while out walking Wick this evening was I did not start my day with him - Guess what I am doing in the morning!!!